Hear VoiceOver speak text attribute changes on Mac
You can have VoiceOver announce when text attributes change — for example, when text uses bold or italic.
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier.
To open the Verbosity rotor, press VO-V.
Press the Left Arrow or Right Arrow key until you hear Text Attributes and the current setting.
Press the Up Arrow or Down Arrow key until you hear the setting you want, such as Play Tone.
To close the rotor, press the Escape key or Fn-Tab.
You can also choose a text attribute setting in the Text pane of the Verbosity category in VoiceOver Utility.
To hear details about the text style closest to the VoiceOver cursor, press VO-T.
If you’re using portable preferences on a guest computer when you change text attribute settings, the settings are saved to the portable preferences drive and not to the guest computer.