Scan a document or image
If you have a document-feeding scanner, you can scan several pages at once using Preview. If you have a flatbed scanner, you can scan many images at once, store each image in its own file, and straighten any images that were crooked on the bed during scanning.
Choose File > Import from Scanner > [scanner].
If you don’t see your scanner in the list, make sure it’s set up in Printers & Scanners preferences. For information about adding scanners, see Set up a scanner.
Choose how to scan your document or image. You may need to click Show Details to see all the available options. You can choose any of the following:
Choose the type of image being scanned: Use the Kind pop-up menu.
Choose Text for black-and-white images with high contrast, such as a text document; choose Black & White for grayscale images; and choose Color for color images.
Scan both sides of a page: Select Duplex.
Choose a size for the scanned item: Use the Size pop-up menu.
Choose where to save the scanned items: Use the Scan To pop-up menu.
If you choose a folder, the items are stored in that folder. If you choose an app, the items are opened with that app.
Adjust the colors or exposure of the scanned image: Choose Manual from the Image Correction pop-up menu, then adjust the controls.
If you don’t see the image correction controls, scroll down or make the Scanner window taller.
Click Scan.
The scanner scans the pages one at a time.
All the scanned items open in one window.
Tip: You can also choose Edit > Insert > Page from Scanner to add a page from a scanner to an open document.