Organize buddies
You can divide the buddies in your buddy lists into groups. You can use buddy lists with a Jabber account, but not with iMessage.
Create a buddy group
Click the Add button
at the bottom of the buddy list, then choose Add Group. You can also Command-click the names of the buddies you want in the new group, then choose Buddies > Create New Group with People.
Show and hide buddy groups
Show or hide all buddy groups: Choose View > Use Groups.
Open or close a buddy group: Click the group name in the buddy list.
Add buddies to groups
Add a buddy to a group: Drag his or her name into the group.
Add multiple buddies to the group: Command-click their names, then drag them into the group.
Add a buddy to more than one group: Hold down Option and drag the buddy to each additional group.
Organize buddy groups
Move a group to a different place in a buddy list: Drag the group’s name until a blue line appears where you want to place the group.
Merge two groups: Drag one of the groups until you see a blue rectangle around the name of the second group.
Buddies in the dragged group are merged into the selected group, and the dragged group is deleted.
Rename a buddy group: Control-click the group, choose Rename Group, type a new name, then click Rename.
Delete a group: Control-click its name in the buddy list, then choose Delete Group from the shortcut menu.
If you want group members to remain in your buddy list, drag them outside the group before deleting the group.