Use your Apple ID to sign in to the Apple TV app on Mac
To purchase and rent movies and TV shows or to subscribe to Apple TV channels on your Mac with the Apple TV app, you need an Apple ID. If you’ve purchased items from the Apple website, or if you have an iCloud account, you already have an Apple ID. If you don’t already have an Apple ID, you can set one up using the Apple TV app.
Set up a new Apple ID in the Apple TV app
In the Apple TV app
on your Mac, choose Account > Sign In.
Click Create New Apple ID and follow the onscreen instructions.
See the Apple Support article Manage and use your Apple ID.
If you have a PayPal account, you can use that as your payment method when you enter your credit card information. (PayPal isn’t accepted for payment in some countries or regions. For details, see the PayPal website).
Sign in to or out of the Apple TV app
After you set up an Apple ID, you can sign in to purchase or rent items, view or change your account information, and see your purchase history.
In the Apple TV app
on your Mac, choose Account > Sign In (or Sign Out).
If you forgot your Apple ID or password, click “Forgot Apple ID or Password?” and follow the onscreen instructions.
When you finish using the store, you can sign out to prevent anyone else who has access to your computer from making purchases using your account.
See the Apple Support article Sign in with your Apple ID.
Change your account information
You can change your Apple ID name, password, or billing information at any time.
In the Apple TV app
on your Mac, choose Account > View My Account, then sign in.
Do any of the following:
Change your Apple ID name or password: Click “Edit at appleid.apple.com.”
Change Family Sharing preferences: Click Manage in System Preferences.
Change your billing address: Click Edit.
Change your payment information: Click Manage Payments.
Change your country or region: Click Change Country or Region.
Change your computer authorizations: Click Deauthorize All. For more information, see Authorize a Mac to play purchases.
Make your changes, then click Done.
Your changes take effect immediately and apply to all apps in which you use your Apple ID.
See the Apple Support article Change, add, or remove Apple ID payment methods.
View your purchase history
Items you purchase appear in your library in the Apple TV app unless you delete them. You can view your entire purchase history by viewing your account information.
In the Apple TV app
on your Mac, choose Account > Purchased, then sign in if prompted.
A list of all movie purchases made using this account appears, with your most recent purchases shown first.
Do any of the following:
See purchases by category: Click Music, Movies, TV Shows, or Audiobooks.
See purchases not currently in your library: Click Not in My Library
Search for a purchase: Enter a search term in the Search Purchased items field.
Filter purchases by name or most recent: Choose either Most Recent or Name from the pop-up menu.
Download a purchase to your computer: Click the download button
that appears in the upper-right corner of the item.
To make sure you get the HD version of the movie, select the Download HD When Available checkbox at the bottom of the screen.
Note: When you download music or audiobooks from the Purchased screen, those items appear in the library of the Music app and Books app on your Mac.
Delete an item from the list: Move your pointer over the item, then click the Delete button
that appears.
To return to the previous screen, click the Back button
See the Apple Support article See your purchase history for the App Store, iTunes Store and more.
If your purchase history seems incorrect, or you believe you’ve been charged for an item you didn’t buy, visit the Billing and Subscriptions website.