Manage notifications from Mail on Mac
New message notifications from Mail appear in the top-right corner of the screen, where you can reply to a message, mark a message as read or delete a message. You have the option to receive these notifications from only certain mailboxes. You can also change how notifications appear or turn them off altogether.
Respond to new message notifications
On your Mac, move the pointer over the event notification, then do any of the following:
Dismiss the notification: Click
Reply to a message: Click Options, then click Reply.
Mark a message as read: Click Options, then click “Mark as read”.
Delete a message: Click Options, then click “Mark as read”.
See more details: Click the notification to open the message in Mail, or click
to see more details.
Mute notifications from Mail: Click
, click
, then choose an option.
Change new message notifications
Go to the Mail app
on your Mac.
Choose Mail > Settings, then click General.
Do any of the following:
Change new message sound: Click the “New message sound” pop-up menu, then choose a sound.
Change the mailbox for new message notifications: Click the “New message notifications” pop-up menu, then choose a mailbox.
Change or turn off all notifications from Mail
On your Mac, choose Apple menu
> System Settings, then click Notifications in the sidebar. (You may need to scroll down.)Go to Application Notifications, click Mail, then do any of the following:
Change notifications: Set options, such as the style of notifications, where to show them and more. For more information about the options, click
in the bottom-right corner.
Turn off all notifications from Mail: Turn Allow Notifications off.
Note: To display notifications from Mail when a Focus is on, you must allow the notifications to appear. See Set up a Focus.