Find a song with the column browser in iTunes on PC
You can quickly find a song in your iTunes library using the column browser.

Your music is sorted by up to five categories (Genres, Composers, Groupings, Artists and Albums), divided into columns. As you select an item in each column, the list narrows down to display only the matching songs.
For example, to find only pop music by a certain artist, you could select Pop in the Genre’s column, then the artist’s name in the Artist’s column.
Go to the iTunes app
on your PC.
Choose Music from the pop-up menu at the top left, then click Library.
If you can’t see Music in the pop-up menu, you need to use the Apple Music app
you installed on your device. See the Apple Music User Guide for Windows for more details.
Select Songs in the sidebar.
Choose View > Column Browser > Show Column Browser, then choose the columns you want to display.
You can’t change the order of the columns.
In the column browser, select options in one or more columns.
As you select options, songs that match your criteria are displayed below.
To close the column browser, choose View > Column Browser > Hide Column Browser.