Download previous iTunes purchases on PC
If you previously purchased items from the iTunes Store, you can download them to your authorised computers and devices (up to 10 total). Downloading previous purchases is a great way to add items to your devices without having to sync or copy files and you can use this method to replace iTunes Store files you accidentally lost or deleted.
You can also check for purchases that haven’t been downloaded to your computer or have iTunes check for them automatically. This is useful, for example, if a download is interrupted.
Note: Some types of previously purchased content might not be available in some countries or regions. Previous purchases may be unavailable if they’re no longer in the iTunes Store.
Download previous purchases to an authorised computer
Go to the iTunes app
on your PC.
Choose Music from the pop-up menu at the top left, then click Store.
If you can’t see Music in the pop-up menu, you need to use the Apple Music app
you installed on your device. See the Apple Music User Guide for Windows for more details.
Click Purchased (below Quick Links) near the top right of the iTunes Store window.
Click Music, Movies, TV Shows or Audiobooks near the top right of the Purchased page.
Purchases available for download are displayed. You can view all your past purchases or just the ones not currently in your iTunes library. Items already in your library aren’t available for download.
If you select Music, you can view your purchases by song, artist or album. If you view by album, click an album to see which songs are available for download.
To search for an item, type its name or a keyword in the search field, then press Enter.
To download an item, click
To find out how to download previous purchases to your device, see the user guide for iPhone, iPad or iPod touch. For a device that doesn’t use the latest version of iOS or iPadOS, get the user guide from the Apple Documentation website.
Make sure all your purchases have been downloaded
Make sure you’re connected to the internet.
Go to the iTunes app
on your PC.
Choose Account > Check for Available Downloads, then click Check.
If requested, enter your Apple ID (or Apple Account) and password. Purchases not yet on your computer are downloaded.
Set iTunes to check for purchases automatically
Go to the iTunes app
on your PC.
Choose Edit > Preferences, click Downloads, then select “Always check for available downloads”.
Tip: You can also download previously purchased music, movies and TV shows by clicking next to an item in your iTunes library. If you can’t see the Download button next to previous purchases, choose Edit > Preferences, click General, then select iCloud Music Library.