Use VoiceOver to navigate web pages using landmarks on Mac
Web developers can assign landmark roles to areas of a web page to help screen readers identify the types of content on the web page. For an example of a web page that contains landmarks, visit store.apple.com.
VoiceOver supports all landmarks, including:
Banner, the area that contains the page name, logo or other identifying information.
Complementary, an area that supports the main content area, such as a sidebar.
Content info, the area that contains footnote-type information, such as copyright or privacy statements.
Main, the area that contains the main content.
Navigation, the area that contains a navigation bar or other links for navigating the web page or website.
Search, the area that contains a search field for searching the web page or website.
If landmarks are listed in the Rotor when viewing web pages, you can navigate to a landmark using the Rotor.
You can use the Trackpad, NumPad, Keyboard and Quick Nav Commanders in VoiceOver Utility to assign VoiceOver commands for navigating landmarks to keyboard or keypad keys, gestures or braille display keys.