Launchpad on your Mac is a central location where you can see and open apps that are on your Mac. When you install an app from the App Store, it appears in Launchpad.

Open and close Launchpad. Click the Launchpad icon in the Dock to open Launchpad. To close it, press Esc or click anywhere on the screen (except on an app icon).
Search for an app. Type its name in the search field at the top of Launchpad. To move to another page in Launchpad, press Command-Left Arrow or Command-Right Arrow or swipe with two fingers.
Organize apps in Launchpad. Launchpad organizes your apps in a grid. Drag an app to a new location to rearrange apps. Drag an app onto another app to create a folder. Drag more apps to the new folder to add them. To remove an app from a folder, drag it out. Games you download from the App Store automatically appear in the Games folder.
Learn more. See the Apple Support article Use Launchpad on your Mac.