What’s it called on my Mac?
If you’re not sure what something is called on a Mac, here’s a list of Windows and Mac terms to help you find what you’re looking for.
Note: On a Mac keyboard, you also need to press and hold the Fn key along with the other keys of a shortcut that uses a function key; for example, press Fn-Control-F2.
Windows term | Mac term | Description |
Alt key | Option key | To enter special characters, press and hold the Option key in combination with letter keys. For example, to enter é, press Option-E, then press the E key again. |
Alt key | Control-F2 | To use the keyboard to open menus in the menu bar at the top of the screen, press Control-F2, then use the arrow keys to select a menu. Press Return to open the selected menu, then use the arrow and Return keys again to choose menu options. |
Alt-Tab | Command-Tab | To switch between open apps, press Command-Tab. Release the keys when the app you want is selected. |
Alt-Tab | Exposé | To show all the open windows in the current app, Control-click its icon in the Dock, then choose Show All Windows. To browse other app windows, press Tab. |
Close button | Close button | To close a window, click the red Close button |
Control key | Command key | To perform actions or shortcuts, use the Command key with keyboard combinations. For example, pressing Command-S usually saves a document or file. |
Control Panel | System Settings | To customize your Mac, choose Apple menu You can set options to, for example, change the size and location of the Dock, apply a light or dark appearance, use a different desktop picture, and more. |
Cortana | Siri | Use Siri to do things like open apps or find things on your Mac or on the internet. See Use Siri. |
Device Manager | System Information | The System Information app gives you detailed information about your Mac hardware and software. Press and hold the Option key, then choose Apple menu > System Information. |
Disk drive eject button | Media Eject key | To open and close the optical drive, press the Media Eject key |
Exit | Quit | To exit from an app, choose Quit from the app menu. (The app menu is labeled with the app’s name; for example, Safari or Mail.) |
Flip 3D | Mission Control | To show all open windows in Mission Control, press Control-Up Arrow (or use the Control Strip). |
Gadgets | Widgets | You can use widgets to do things like monitor stocks and show the weather. See Add and customize widgets. |
Microsoft Photo Editor | Photos | Use the Photos app to import photos (and videos) from an iOS or iPadOS device or a camera, view and edit your photos, share your photos, and more. |
Mouse | Mouse (one-button) | If you have a one-button mouse and want to open a shortcuts menu, press and hold the Control key as you click. |
Mouse | Magic Mouse or Apple Mouse | If you have a Magic Mouse or other multiple-button mouse, you can customize the buttons. Choose Apple menu |
My Computer, This PC | In the Finder, choose Go > Computer | Show disks connected to your Mac, CDs and DVDs inserted in your optical disc drive, network volumes you’re connected to, and any disk partitions you have. |
My Documents, Documents folder | Documents folder | To store a document, use the Documents folder. To show your Documents folder, open a Finder window, then click Documents in the sidebar. |
My Pictures, Pictures folder | Pictures folder | The Pictures folder is located in your home folder. In the Finder, choose Go > Home. |
My Recent Documents | Recent Items | As you open apps and files, their names are kept in the Recent Items list in the Apple menu. You can use Recent Items to quickly reopen apps and documents. Many apps include an Open Recent command in the File menu that lists documents you worked on recently. |
Network Connections | Network settings | To configure Network settings, choose Apple menu > System Settings, then click Network You can use Wireless Diagnostics to solve problems with a network you’ve already set up. |
Notification Area, System Tray | Status menus | Status menus appear as icons in the right half of the menu bar. Use status menus to connect to a wireless network, check the battery status of your Mac laptop, and more. Use Control Center settings to change which status menus appear in the menu bar. |
On-Screen Keyboard (OSK) | Keyboard Viewer | To open the Keyboard Viewer, click the Input menu in the menu bar at the top of the screen, then choose Show Keyboard Viewer. The Input menu is identified by the Show Emoji & Symbols icon If the Input menu isn’t shown, choose Apple menu > System Settings, click Keyboard |
Performance Monitor | Activity Monitor | To learn how your Mac is performing and which processes it’s running, open the Activity Monitor app (located in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder). |
Print Screen | Shift-Command-3 Shift-Command-4 | To take a picture of the entire screen, press Shift-Command-3. To take a picture of part of the screen, press Shift-Command-4, then drag the pointer to select an area. To open Screenshot for more options when taking screenshots or screen recordings, press Shift-Command-5. |
Printers & scanners | Printers & Scanners settings | To select and set up printers, choose Apple menu > System Settings, then click Printers & Scanners |
Properties | Get Info | To show information about a file, folder, disk, server, or other item, select it in the Finder, then choose File > Get Info. In the Info window, you can set ownership and permissions for the item. For files, you can select the app that you want to open the file. |
Recycle Bin | Trash | To delete files and folders, drag them to the Trash in the Dock. To permanently delete the items, click the desktop, then choose Finder > Empty Trash. |
Search | Spotlight | Find files, email, and other items. See Search with Spotlight. Many apps, such as the Finder, Mail, and Contacts, provide a search field in the toolbar where you can quickly search for items in the app. |
Shortcuts | Alias | To make an alias, select the file or app, then choose File > Make Alias. |
Snipping Tool | Screenshot | Press Shift-Command-5 to display Screenshot and take screenshots or screen recordings of windows, the whole screen, or a portion of the screen. |
Standby or Sleep | Sleep | Sleep is a low-power mode. To put your computer to sleep, choose Apple menu > Sleep. |
Start menu | Launchpad | For quick access to all your apps and utilities, click the Launchpad icon |
Task Manager | Activity Monitor | To learn how your Mac is performing and which processes it’s running, open the Activity Monitor app (located in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder). |
Taskbar | Dock | Use the Dock to open your favorite apps, files, folders, and websites. By default, the Dock appears at the bottom of the screen. To add a file or folder to the Dock, drag it to the right of the Dock’s separator line. |
Windows Explorer | Finder | To organize files, folders, and apps, use the Finder. To open a Finder window, click the desktop, then choose File > New Finder Window. |
Windows Media Player | QuickTime Player Music | To play movies and music, use the QuickTime Player app. To listen to music, purchase music from the iTunes Store or subscribe to Apple Music, and create your personal digital music library, use the Music app. |
Windows MovieMaker | iMovie | To download video from your digital video camera and create your own movies, use the iMovie app. |