Return recent or missed FaceTime calls on Mac
You can quickly return a recent FaceTime call (including calls you missed) from the FaceTime app, Notification Center, Reminders, or the Dock.
For information about system requirements for using FaceTime, see FaceTime requirements.
On your Mac, do one of the following:
Return a call from FaceTime: Click All or Missed in the FaceTime window to see a list of recent FaceTime calls you made, received, or declined. Then click the Video button
or the Audio button
next to a call (or use the Touch Bar).
Tip: A Group FaceTime call remains active until all participants leave the call. To rejoin a group call you left, just click the Join Video button
Return a missed call from Notification Center: Click the Notification Center icon
in the menu bar, click Notifications, then click a call in the list of missed calls. See Receive, pause, or stop notifications.
Return a call from a reminder: Click the link in a FaceTime reminder.
Return a call from the Dock: Control-click the FaceTime icon, then click a call below Recent Calls.
If you don’t see the FaceTime icon in the Dock, you can add it.
You aren’t able to call someone who’s restricted by communication limits in Screen Time.