Use VoiceOver to scroll to content on Mac
You can scroll to content using a VoiceOver command or VoiceOver gestures.
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier that you press with additional keys to enter VoiceOver commands. By default, you can press Control and Option together or just press Caps Lock.
Use a VoiceOver command
Press VO-Shift-Down Arrow to interact with a scroll area.
To begin scrolling, press VO-Shift-S.
You can’t use other VoiceOver commands while you’re scrolling.
Scroll the content. If you hear a sound effect, you can’t scroll any further.
Scroll up and down, or left and right: Press the arrow keys.
Scroll one page at a time: Press the Page Up or Page Down key to scroll vertically. Press Shift-Page Up or Shift-Page Down to scroll horizontally.
To stop scrolling, press the Escape key or Fn-Tab.
Use VoiceOver gestures
Scroll one page at a time: Flick up, down, left or right with three fingers.
Hear the number of pages or rows that are visible on the current page: Tap three fingers. VoiceOver speaks something like “Page 4 of 15 and Horizontal page 1 of 2”.
When you scroll, by default content moves in the opposite direction of the direction you’re scrolling. You can set an option so that the content moves in the same direction that you’re scrolling. Go to VoiceOver Utility (press VO-Fn-F8 when VoiceOver is on), click the Commands category, click Trackpad Options, then select “Scroll gesture moves content instead of scroll bar”.
When you interact with content, the VoiceOver cursor automatically scrolls as it navigates the content.
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