Navigate the Dock with VoiceOver on Mac
Use the Dock to open apps, documents, folders or stacks.
If trackpad gestures are on, you can use them when navigating and using the Dock.
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier that you press with additional keys to enter VoiceOver commands. By default, you can press Control and Option together or just press Caps Lock.
Navigate the Dock
Move the VoiceOver cursor to the Dock: Press VO-D, or double-tap near the bottom edge of the trackpad.
Move in the Dock: Use the arrow keys, or flick or drag up, down, left or right on the trackpad.
Jump to an app icon in the Dock: Start typing the name of the app.
Exit the Dock: Press the Escape key or Fn-Tab, or scrub back and forth with two fingers on the trackpad.
Use items in the Dock
Open an item: Press VO-Space bar, or double-tap on the trackpad.
Open a shortcut menu for an item: Press VO-Shift-M, then use the arrow keys to move up and down the shortcut menu. To close the shortcut menu without making a selection, press the Escape key or Fn-Tab.
Move an item: Hold down the Option key and use the arrow keys to move the item. Each arrow key press moves it one place.
Add or remove items in the Dock
Add an item: Navigate to the item in the Finder or on the desktop, then press Control-Shift-Command-T.
Remove an item: Open its shortcut menu (VO-Shift-M), choose Options, then choose Remove from Dock.
Learn more about using the Dock to open apps, documents and more.
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