Use VoiceOver to navigate web pages by images or frames on Mac
Note: VO represents the VoiceOver modifier. See Use the VoiceOver modifier.
Move to the next image: Press VO-Command-G.
Move to the previous image: Press VO-Command-Shift-G.
To specify when to navigate to images, open VoiceOver Utility (press VO-Fn-F8 when VoiceOver is on), click the Web category, then click the Navigate Images pop-up menu.
If an image doesn’t have a description, VoiceOver speaks the image filename. You can create a custom label for these images, or for images whose alt text isn’t useful.
If you enabled image descriptions in the VoiceOver Recognition category in VoiceOver Utility, you can press VO-Shift-L to have VoiceOver use on-device intelligence to describe images on websites to improve accessibility.
If a web page organises information into areas called frames, you can use them to navigate the page.
Move to the next frame: Press VO-Command-F.
Move to the previous frame: Press VO-Command-Shift-F.
If images or frames are listed in the VoiceOver rotor when viewing web pages, you can use it to move to a specific image or frame. See Use the VoiceOver rotor.
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