Receive notifications for Home accessories on Mac
You can receive notifications when your accessories detect something, and check the status of your accessories.
Turn on notifications for your accessories
Some accessories, like smoke sensors and door locks, have notifications enabled by default, but you can also set up notifications for some other types of accessories, like motion sensors.
In the Home app
on your Mac, double-click an accessory.
Click Status Notifications, then select Notifications on This Mac.
The notification is set up for this Mac only.
To temporarily turn off notifications, or to receive only critical alerts, see Set up a Focus.
Check the status of your accessories
You can check the status of your accessories directly from the Home screen.
In the Home app
on your Mac, click Home or a room in the sidebar.
Review the status icons at the top of the screen.
Solid: Click to turn on or off (a delay of 8 seconds allows you to undo your action by clicking again). Control-click or force click to see details.
Transparent: Click to see details.
Climate sensor accessories are grouped together under one status icon. Alarm sensor accessories (smoke, leak, carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide) are also grouped together under one status icon when they are idle.