Explore channels, topics and stories in News on Mac
Apple News collects and organises stories from a wide range of publications (called channels) and topics. It’s easy to explore what’s there and find the sources and stories that interest you — from breaking news to travel videos to summer recipes.

Note: Apple News and Apple News+ aren’t available in all countries or regions. See the Apple Support article Availability of Apple Media Services.
In the News app
on your Mac, click an item in the sidebar.
If you don’t see the sidebar, click
in the toolbar.
In addition to quick access to stories you saved and your reading history, the sidebar includes the following:
Today, which presents top stories selected by Apple News editors and stories from the channels and topics you follow. In some countries or regions, the Today feed can include local news, featuring curated and personalised local stories and weather reports based on your location.
If you subscribe to Apple News+, the Today feed also includes My Magazines, which shows issues from magazines you follow.
News+, which presents hundreds of magazines, popular newspapers and other publications available from Apple News+. If you’re a subscriber, you can browse recent issues, download issues, click a publication to read it and more. If you don’t subscribe yet, you can browse publications and headlines.
Following, which lists the channels and topics you follow. This section also includes Apple News Spotlight, which showcases coverage of special events and content curated by Apple News editors.
Suggested, which lists channels and topics suggested by Siri or — if you chose not to have Siri suggest items — by your actions in Apple News. For example, whether you follow or block channels and topics, or ask for more or fewer suggestions similar to a story you’re reading. In some countries or regions, local news may be suggested based on your location.
If you don’t see a channel or topic you expected, use the search field at the top of the sidebar to search Apple News, or choose File > Discover Channels to see available channels.
On the right, scroll up or down to browse stories.
As you browse, you can open a story in a new window or tab so you don’t lose track of it.
When you browse Top Stories and other locations that feature stories curated by Apple News editors, placeholders may be shown for stories from channels you blocked. To read a story from a blocked channel, click Show Story Anyway.
Click a story to read it.
As you read, you can do any of the following:
Watch videos, ask to see more or fewer stories like it, share it with others or save it to read later.
Move to the next or previous story by pressing the Right Arrow or Left Arrow key.
Go directly to the story’s channel — just click the Share button
in the toolbar, then choose Go to Channel.
You can set an option in News preferences for the Today and other feeds to show only stories from the channels you follow.
Tip: You can stop some channels and topics — such as Travel or Food — from being suggested in the Today feed. Next to the item in the feed, click the More Actions button , then choose Stop Suggesting. If you change your mind and want Apple News to suggest the channel or topic again, search for it, then follow it.