Get started with Mail on Mac
Learn the basics to get started sending email in the Mail app .

Add an email account
Before you can send email you need to add your email account — like iCloud, Exchange or Gmail (Google). To add your account, choose Mail > Add Account, select an account type, then click Continue.

Send an email
Click to start a new email. Add a recipient, subject and your text; then click

Send photos and files
You can include photos, documents and more when you write messages. To add files, click , then locate and select what you’d like to send. To add photos, click
and select the photos you want.

Reply to emails
Select an email in the message list. Move the pointer over the message header, then click to reply to just the sender or
to reply to the sender and other recipients.

Find emails fast
Click in the top-right corner and type a word like “photo”. Mail shows emails where the word appears and a menu lets you specify your search by categories like sender or subject.
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