Allow iTunes in the Windows firewall on PC
When the Windows firewall is turned on, it may prevent iTunes from accessing the internet unless iTunes is listed as an exception.
Allow iTunes as an exception (Windows 7, 8, or Vista)
On your PC, go to Start, then click Control Panel.
Click System and Security, then click Windows Firewall.
Click “Advanced settings.”
Click Inbound Rules (below “View and create firewall rules”).
Click New Rule (on the right side of the window).
In the window that appears, choose Program, then click Next.
Choose “This program path,” then click Browse.
Navigate to Program Files > iTunes, then click Open.
Select iTunes, click Open, then click Next.
Select when the rule applies, then click Next.
Type a name for the rule, then click Finish.
Allow iTunes as an exception (Windows 10)
On your PC, go to Start > Windows System > Control Panel.
Click System and Security, then click Windows Defender Firewall.
In the sidebar, click “Allow an app or feature through Windows Defender Firewall.”
Click the “Change settings” button.
Select iTunes.MSI and the Private and Public checkboxes (so they have a checkmark).
Click OK.
If you’re still having difficulty, visit the iTunes Support website.