Redownload books and audiobooks

To find the books and audiobooks that you previously purchased in Apple Books, follow these steps to redownload them on your device.

How to redownload books or audiobooks on your iPhone

  1. Open the Books app, then tap Home at the bottom of the screen.

  2. Tap the Account buttonthe Account button or your photo in the top corner of the screen.

  3. Under My Purchases, tap either Books or Audiobooks. If you use Family Sharing, you can tap a family member's name to see their purchases.

  4. Tap "Not on this iPhone", then tap All Books or All Audiobooks.

  5. Find the book or audiobook that you want to download, then tap the Download buttonthe Download button . Can't find the item that you purchased?

How to redownload books or audiobooks on your iPad or Apple Vision Pro

  1. Open the Books app, then tap the Show Sidebar buttonthe Show Sidebar button.

  2. Tap Home, then tap the Account buttonthe Account button or your photo in the top corner of the screen.

  3. Under My Purchases, tap either Books or Audiobooks. If you use Family Sharing, you can tap a family member's name to see their purchases.

  4. Tap "Not on this [device]", then tap All Books or All Audiobooks.

  5. Find the book or audiobook that you want to download, then tap the Download buttonthe Download button . Can't find the item that you purchased?

How to redownload books or audiobooks on your Mac

  1. Open Apple Books.

  2. Choose Sign In or your name in the bottom corner of the screen.

  3. Under My Purchases, choose Books or Audiobooks. If you use Family Sharing, you can tap a family member's name to see their purchases.

  4. Choose "Not on this Mac" to view purchased content that isn't on your device.

  5. Find the book or audiobook that you want to download, then click the Download buttonthe Download button. Can't find the item that you purchased?

How to redownload audiobooks on iTunes for Windows

  1. Open iTunes.

  2. From the menu bar at the top of the iTunes window, choose Account > Purchased or Family Purchases if you use Family Sharing.

  3. Choose Audiobooks.

  4. Find the audiobook that you want to redownload.

  5. If you use Family Sharing, you can click your name next to Purchased, then choose a family member's name to see their purchases.

  6. Click the Download button the Download button for the audiobook. Can't find the item that you purchased?

Any digital media you buy from Apple can be permanently downloaded on to an iPhone, iPad, Mac, or Windows PC. Learn more.

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