
The web implementation of firebase_storage.

Getting Started

To get started with Firebase Storage, please see the documentation

To learn more about Firebase Storage, please visit the Firebase website

Downloading files with getData()

When using Reference::getData() in the web platform, your bucket must have the correct CORS configuration, or the security mechanisms in the browser will not let you access the downloaded data, with exceptions similar to:

Access to XMLHttpRequest at '' from origin '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. 
browser_client.dart:87 GET net::ERR_FAILED 


Error: XMLHttpRequest error.     dart-sdk/lib/_internal/js_dev_runtime/patch/core_patch.dart 894:28                get current packages/http/src/browser_client.dart 84:22                                       <fn> 

You need to enable CORS response headers in your Google Cloud Storage Bucket, as described in the following document:

In the example app, ensure there's a cors.json file:

firebase_storage/example$ cat cors.json [   {     "origin": ["*"],     "method": ["GET"],     "maxAgeSeconds": 3600   } ] 

And then, with gsutil:

firebase_storage/example$ gsutil cors set cors.json gs:// Setting CORS on gs:// 

For much, much more information about CORS in Google Cloud Platform, see: