
Conversion functions

CAST , ::

Converts a value of one data type into another data type. The semantics of CAST are the same as the semantics of the corresponding TO_ datatype conversion functions. If the cast is not possible, an error is raised. For more details, see the individual TO_ datatype conversion functions. For more information about data type conversion and the TO_ datatype conversion functions, see Data type conversion.

The :: operator provides alternative syntax for CAST.

See also:



CAST( <source_expr> AS <target_data_type> )   [ RENAME FIELDS | ADD FIELDS ]  <source_expr> :: <target_data_type> 



Expression of any supported data type to be converted into a different data type.


The data type to which to convert the expression. If the data type supports additional properties, such as precision and scale (for numbers/decimals), the properties can be included.


For structured OBJECTs, specifies that you want to change the OBJECT to use different key-value pairs. The values in the original object are copied to the new key-value pairs in the order in which they appear.

For an example, see Example: Changing the key names in an OBJECT value.


For structured OBJECTs, specifies that you want to add key-value pairs to the OBJECT.

For an example, see Example: Adding keys to an OBJECT value.

The values for the newly added keys will be set to NULL. If you want to assign a value to these keys, call the OBJECT_INSERT function instead.

Usage notes

  • If the scale is not sufficient to hold the input value, the function rounds the value.

  • If the precision is not sufficient to hold the input value, the function raises an error.

  • When numeric columns are explicitly cast to forms of the integer data type during a data unload to Parquet files, the data type of these columns in the Parquet files is INT. For more information, see Explicitly converting numeric columns to Parquet data types.

  • When you use the :: alternative syntax, you cannot specify the RENAME FIELDS or ADD FIELDS arguments.


The CAST examples use the data in the following table:

CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE test_data_type_conversion (   varchar_value VARCHAR,   number_value NUMBER(5, 4),   timestamp_value TIMESTAMP);  INSERT INTO test_data_type_conversion VALUES (   '9.8765',   1.2345,   '2024-05-09 14:32:29.135 -0700');  SELECT * FROM test_data_type_conversion; 
+---------------+--------------+-------------------------+ | VARCHAR_VALUE | NUMBER_VALUE | TIMESTAMP_VALUE         | |---------------+--------------+-------------------------| | 9.8765        |       1.2345 | 2024-05-09 14:32:29.135 | +---------------+--------------+-------------------------+ 

The examples use the SYSTEM$TYPEOF function to show the data type of the converted value.

Convert a string to a number with specified scale (2):

SELECT CAST(varchar_value AS NUMBER(5,2)) AS varchar_to_number1,        SYSTEM$TYPEOF(varchar_to_number1) AS data_type   FROM test_data_type_conversion; 
+--------------------+------------------+ | VARCHAR_TO_NUMBER1 | DATA_TYPE        | |--------------------+------------------| |               9.88 | NUMBER(5,2)[SB4] | +--------------------+------------------+ 

Convert the same string to a number with scale 5, using the :: notation:

SELECT varchar_value::NUMBER(6,5) AS varchar_to_number2,        SYSTEM$TYPEOF(varchar_to_number2) AS data_type   FROM test_data_type_conversion; 
+--------------------+------------------+ | VARCHAR_TO_NUMBER2 | DATA_TYPE        | |--------------------+------------------| |            9.87650 | NUMBER(6,5)[SB4] | +--------------------+------------------+ 

Convert a number to an integer. For an integer, precision and scale cannot be specified, so the default is always NUMBER(38, 0).

SELECT CAST(number_value AS INTEGER) AS number_to_integer,        SYSTEM$TYPEOF(number_to_integer) AS data_type   FROM test_data_type_conversion; 
+-------------------+-------------------+ | NUMBER_TO_INTEGER | DATA_TYPE         | |-------------------+-------------------| |                 1 | NUMBER(38,0)[SB1] | +-------------------+-------------------+ 

Convert a number to a string:

SELECT CAST(number_value AS VARCHAR) AS number_to_varchar,        SYSTEM$TYPEOF(number_to_varchar) AS data_type   FROM test_data_type_conversion; 
+-------------------+------------------------+ | NUMBER_TO_VARCHAR | DATA_TYPE              | |-------------------+------------------------| | 1.2345            | VARCHAR(16777216)[LOB] | +-------------------+------------------------+ 

Convert a timestamp to a date:

SELECT CAST(timestamp_value AS DATE) AS timestamp_to_date,        SYSTEM$TYPEOF(timestamp_to_date) AS data_type   FROM test_data_type_conversion; 
+-------------------+-----------+ | TIMESTAMP_TO_DATE | DATA_TYPE | |-------------------+-----------| | 2024-05-09        | DATE[SB4] | +-------------------+-----------+