Notification and appeals

  1. In the event that your Product is removed from the Chrome Web Store, you will receive an email notification to that effect, with further instructions if applicable.

  2. Verify that the associated publisher account with your Product can receive emails from external parties and not get flagged as Spam to ensure that you receive all communications in a timely manner.

  3. Removals are permanent unless you submit a revision to fix the issue. Enforcement actions are applied globally by default. If your enforcement action is subject to a territorial restriction, you will be notified of that fact.

  4. Developers are permitted to appeal a violation decision once. After the appeal has been reviewed and a decision rendered, no further appeals will be accepted for the same violation.

  5. Developers are encouraged to submit good faith appeals. Any attempts to submit frivolous appeals or misuse the appeal process may result in further action, including the forfeiture of future appeal rights.