Procedural language

The GoogleSQL procedural language lets you execute multiple statements in one query as a multi-statement query. You can use a multi-statement query to:

  • Run multiple statements in a sequence, with shared state.
  • Automate management tasks such as creating or dropping tables.
  • Implement complex logic using programming constructs such as IF and WHILE.

This reference contains the statements that are part of the GoogleSQL procedural language. To learn more about how you can use this procedural language to write multi-statement queries, see Work with multi-statement queries. To learn how you can convert multi-statement queries into stored procedures, see Work with stored procedures.


DECLARE variable_name[, ...] [variable_type] [DEFAULT expression];

variable_name must be a valid identifier, and variable_type is any GoogleSQL type.


Declares a variable of the specified type. If the DEFAULT clause is specified, the variable is initialized with the value of the expression; if no DEFAULT clause is present, the variable is initialized with the value NULL.

If [variable_type] is omitted then a DEFAULT clause must be specified. The variable’s type will be inferred by the type of the expression in the DEFAULT clause.

Variable declarations must appear before other procedural statements, or at the start of a BEGIN block. Variable names are case-insensitive.

Multiple variable names can appear in a single DECLARE statement, but only one variable_type and expression.

It's an error to declare a variable with the same name as a variable declared earlier in the current block or in a containing block.

If the DEFAULT clause is present, the value of the expression must be coercible to the specified type. The expression may reference other variables declared previously within the same block or a containing block.

GoogleSQL also supports system variables. You don't need to declare system variables, but you can set any of them that aren't marked read-only. You can reference system variables in queries.


The following example initializes the variable x as an INT64 with the value NULL.


The following example initializes the variable d as a DATE object with the value of the current date.


The following example initializes the variables x, y, and z as INT64 with the value 0.


The following example declares a variable named item corresponding to an arbitrary item in the schema1.products table. The type of item is inferred from the table schema.

DECLARE item DEFAULT (SELECT item FROM schema1.products LIMIT 1);



SET variable_name = expression;
SET (variable_name[, ...]) = (expression[, ...]);


Sets a variable to have the value of the provided expression, or sets multiple variables at the same time based on the result of multiple expressions.

The SET statement may appear anywhere within a multi-statement query.


The following example sets the variable x to have the value 5.

SET x = 5;

The following example sets the variable a to have the value 4, b to have the value 'foo', and the variable c to have the value false.

SET (a, b, c) = (1 + 3, 'foo', false);

The following example assigns the result of a query to multiple variables. First, it declares two variables, target_word and corpus_count; next, it assigns the results of a SELECT AS STRUCT query to the two variables. The result of the query is a single row containing a STRUCT with two fields; the first element is assigned to the first variable, and the second element is assigned to the second variable.

DECLARE target_word STRING DEFAULT 'methinks'; DECLARE corpus_count, word_count INT64;  SET (corpus_count, word_count) = (   SELECT AS STRUCT COUNT(DISTINCT corpus), SUM(word_count)   FROM bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare   WHERE LOWER(word) = target_word );  SELECT   FORMAT('Found %d occurrences of "%s" across %d Shakespeare works',          word_count, target_word, corpus_count) AS result;

This statement list outputs the following string:

Found 151 occurrences of "methinks" across 38 Shakespeare works 



EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_expression [ INTO variable[, ...] ] [ USING identifier[, ...] ];  sql_expression:   { "query_statement" | expression("query_statement") }  identifier:   { variable | value } [ AS alias ] 


Executes a dynamic SQL statement on the fly.

  • sql_expression: An expression that can represent one of the following:

    This expression can't be a control statement like IF.

  • expression: Can be a function, conditional expression, or expression subquery.

  • query_statement: Represents a valid standalone SQL statement to execute. If this returns a value, the INTO clause must contain values of the same type. You may access both system variables and values present in the USING clause; all other local variables and query parameters aren't exposed to the query statement.

  • INTO clause: After the SQL expression is executed, you can store the results in one or more variables, using the INTO clause.

  • USING clause: Before you execute your SQL expression, you can pass in one or more identifiers from the USING clause into the SQL expression. These identifiers function similarly to query parameters, exposing values to the query statement. An identifier can be a variable or a value.

You can include these placeholders in the query_statement for identifiers referenced in the USING clause:

  • ?: The value for this placeholder is bound to an identifier in the USING clause by index.

    -- y = 1 * (3 + 2) = 5 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE "SELECT ? * (? + 2)" INTO y USING 1, 3; 
  • @identifier: The value for this placeholder is bound to an identifier in the USING clause by name. This syntax is identical to the query parameter syntax.

    -- y = 1 * (3 + 2) = 5 EXECUTE IMMEDIATE "SELECT @a * (@b + 2)" INTO y USING 1 as a, 3 as b; 

Here are some additional notes about the behavior of the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement:

  • EXECUTE IMMEDIATE is restricted from being executed dynamically as a nested element. This means EXECUTE IMMEDIATE can't be nested in another EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.
  • If an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement returns results, then those results become the result of the entire statement and any appropriate system variables are updated.
  • The same variable can appear in both the INTO and USING clauses.
  • query_statement can contain a single parsed statement that contains other statements (for example, BEGIN...END)
  • If zero rows are returned from query_statement, including from zero-row value tables, all variables in the INTO clause are set to NULL.
  • If one row is returned from query_statement, including from zero-row value tables, values are assigned by position, not variable name.
  • If an INTO clause is present, an error is thrown if you attempt to return more than one row from query_statement.


In this example, we create a table of books and populate it with data. Note the different ways that you can reference variables, save values to variables, and use expressions.

-- create some variables DECLARE book_name STRING DEFAULT 'Ulysses'; DECLARE book_year INT64 DEFAULT 1922; DECLARE first_date INT64;  -- Create a temporary table called Books. EXECUTE IMMEDIATE   "CREATE TEMP TABLE Books (title STRING, publish_date INT64)";  -- Add a row for Hamlet (less secure) EXECUTE IMMEDIATE   "INSERT INTO Books (title, publish_date) VALUES('Hamlet', 1599)";  -- add a row for Ulysses, using the variables declared and the ? placeholder EXECUTE IMMEDIATE   "INSERT INTO Books (title, publish_date) VALUES(?, ?)"   USING book_name, book_year;  -- add a row for Emma, using the identifier placeholder EXECUTE IMMEDIATE   "INSERT INTO Books (title, publish_date) VALUES(@name, @year)"   USING 1815 as year, "Emma" as name;  -- add a row for Middlemarch, using an expression EXECUTE IMMEDIATE   CONCAT(     "INSERT INTO Books (title, publish_date)", "VALUES('Middlemarch', 1871)"   );  -- save the publish date of the earliest book, Hamlet, to a variable called -- first_date EXECUTE IMMEDIATE "SELECT MIN(publish_date) FROM Books LIMIT 1" INTO first_date;  /*------------------+------------------*  | title            | publish_date     |  +------------------+------------------+  | Hamlet           | 1599             |  | Ulysses          | 1922             |  | Emma             | 1815             |  | Middlemarch      | 1871             |  *------------------+------------------*/ 



BEGIN   sql_statement_list END;


BEGIN initiates a block of statements where declared variables exist only until the corresponding END. sql_statement_list is a list of zero or more SQL statements ending with semicolons.

Variable declarations must appear at the start of the block, prior to other types of statements. Variables declared inside a block may only be referenced within that block and in any nested blocks. It's an error to declare a variable with the same name as a variable declared in the same block or an outer block.

There is a maximum nesting level of 50 for blocks and conditional statements such as BEGIN/END, IF/ELSE/END IF, and WHILE/END WHILE.

BEGIN/END is restricted from being executed dynamically as a nested element.

You can use a label with this statement. To learn more, see Labels.


The following example declares a variable x with the default value 10; then, it initiates a block, in which a variable y is assigned the value of x, which is 10, and returns this value; next, the END statement ends the block, ending the scope of variable y; finally, it returns the value of x.




BEGIN   sql_statement_list EXCEPTION WHEN ERROR THEN   sql_statement_list END;


BEGIN...EXCEPTION executes a block of statements. If any of the statements encounter an error, the remainder of the block is skipped and the statements in the EXCEPTION clause are executed.

Within the EXCEPTION clause, you can access details about the error using the following EXCEPTION system variables:

Name Type Description
@@error.formatted_stack_trace STRING The content of @@error.stack_trace expressed as a human readable string. This value is intended for display purposes, and is subject to change without notice. Programmatic access to an error's stack trace should use @@error.stack_trace instead.
@@error.message STRING Specifies a human-readable error message.
@@error.stack_trace See 1. Each element of the array corresponds to a statement or procedure call executing at the time of the error, with the currently executing stack frame appearing first. The meaning of each field is defined as follows:
  • line/column: Specifies the line and column number of the stack frame, starting with 1. If the frame occurs within a procedure body, then line 1 column 1 corresponds to the BEGIN keyword at the start of the procedure body.
  • location: If the frame occurs within a procedure body, specifies the full name of the procedure, in the form [project_name].[schema_name].[procedure_name]. If the frame refers to a location in a top-level multi-statement query, this field is NULL.
  • filename: Reserved for future use. Always NULL.
@@error.statement_text STRING Specifies the text of the statement which caused the error.

1 The type for @@error.stack_trace is ARRAY<STRUCT<line INT64, column INT64, filename STRING, location STRING>>.

As BigQuery reserves the right to revise error messages at any time, consumers of @@error.message shouldn't rely on error messages remaining the same or following any particular pattern. Don't obtain error location information by extracting text out of the error message — use @@error.stack_trace and @@error.statement_text instead.

To handle exceptions that are thrown (and not handled) by an exception handler itself, you must wrap the block in an outer block with a separate exception handler.

The following shows how to use an outer block with a separate exception handler:

BEGIN   BEGIN     ...   EXCEPTION WHEN ERROR THEN     SELECT 1/0;   END; EXCEPTION WHEN ERROR THEN   -- The exception thrown from the inner exception handler lands here. END;

BEGIN...EXCEPTION blocks also support DECLARE statements, just like any other BEGIN block. Variables declared in a BEGIN block are valid only in the BEGIN section, and may not be used in the block’s exception handler.

You can use a label with this statement. To learn more, see Labels.


In this example, when the division by zero error occurs, instead of stopping the entire multi-statement query, GoogleSQL stops schema1.proc1() and schema1.proc2() and execute the SELECT statement in the exception handler.

CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE schema1.proc1() BEGIN   SELECT 1/0; END;  CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE schema1.proc2() BEGIN   CALL schema1.proc1(); END;  BEGIN   CALL schema1.proc2(); EXCEPTION WHEN ERROR THEN   SELECT     @@error.message,     @@error.stack_trace,     @@error.statement_text,     @@error.formatted_stack_trace; END;

When the exception handler runs, the variables will have the following values:

Variable Value
@@error.message "Query error: division by zero: 1 / 0 at <project>.schema1.proc1:2:3]"
@@error.stack_trace [
STRUCT(2 AS line, 3 AS column, NULL AS filename, "<project>.schema1.proc1:2:3" AS location),
STRUCT(2 AS line, 3 AS column, NULL AS filename, "<project>.schema1.proc2:2:3" AS location),
STRUCT(10 AS line, 3 AS column, NULL AS filename, NULL AS location),
@@error.statement_text "SELECT 1/0"
@@error.formatted_stack_trace "At <project>.schema1.proc1[2:3]\nAt <project>.schema1.proc2[2:3]\nAt [10:3]"



CASE   WHEN boolean_expression THEN sql_statement_list   [...]   [ELSE sql_statement_list] END CASE;


Executes the THEN sql_statement_list where the boolean expression is true, or the optional ELSE sql_statement_list if no conditions match.

CASE can have a maximum of 50 nesting levels.

CASE is restricted from being executed dynamically as a nested element. This means CASE can't be nested in an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.


In this example, a search if conducted for the target_product_ID in the products_a table. If the ID isn't found there, a search is conducted for the ID in the products_b table. If the ID isn't found there, the statement in the ELSE block is executed.

DECLARE target_product_id INT64 DEFAULT 103; CASE   WHEN     EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM schema.products_a WHERE product_id = target_product_id)     THEN SELECT 'found product in products_a table';   WHEN     EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM schema.products_b WHERE product_id = target_product_id)     THEN SELECT 'found product in products_b table';   ELSE     SELECT 'did not find product'; END CASE;

CASE search_expression


CASE search_expression   WHEN expression THEN sql_statement_list   [...]   [ELSE sql_statement_list] END CASE;


Executes the first sql_statement_list where the search expression is matches a WHEN expression. The search_expression is evaluated once and then tested against each WHEN expression for equality until a match is found. If no match is found, then the optional ELSE sql_statement_list is executed.

CASE can have a maximum of 50 nesting levels.

CASE is restricted from being executed dynamically as a nested element. This means CASE can't be nested in an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.


The following example uses the product ID as the search expression. If the ID is 1, 'Product one' is returned. If the ID is 2, 'Product two' is returned. If the ID is anything else, Invalid product is returned.

DECLARE product_id INT64 DEFAULT 1; CASE product_id   WHEN 1 THEN     SELECT CONCAT('Product one');   WHEN 2 THEN     SELECT CONCAT('Product two');   ELSE     SELECT CONCAT('Invalid product'); END CASE;



IF condition THEN [sql_statement_list]   [ELSEIF condition THEN sql_statement_list]   [...]   [ELSE sql_statement_list] END IF;


Executes the first sql_statement_list where the condition is true, or the optional ELSE sql_statement_list if no conditions match.

There is a maximum nesting level of 50 for blocks and conditional statements such as BEGIN/END, IF/ELSE/END IF, and WHILE/END WHILE.

IF is restricted from being executed dynamically as a nested element. This means IF can't be nested in an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.


The following example declares a INT64 variable target_product_id with a default value of 103; then, it checks whether the table schema.products contains a row with the product_id column matches the value of target_product_id; if so, it outputs a string stating that the product has been found, along with the value of default_product_id; if not, it outputs a string stating that the product hasn't been found, also with the value of default_product_id.

DECLARE target_product_id INT64 DEFAULT 103; IF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM schema.products            WHERE product_id = target_product_id) THEN   SELECT CONCAT('found product ', CAST(target_product_id AS STRING));   ELSEIF EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM schema.more_products            WHERE product_id = target_product_id) THEN   SELECT CONCAT('found product from more_products table',   CAST(target_product_id AS STRING)); ELSE   SELECT CONCAT('did not find product ', CAST(target_product_id AS STRING)); END IF;



label_name: BEGIN   block_statement_list END [label_name];
label_name: LOOP   loop_statement_list END LOOP [label_name];
label_name: WHILE condition DO   loop_statement_list END WHILE [label_name];
label_name: FOR variable IN query DO   loop_statement_list END FOR [label_name];
label_name: REPEAT   loop_statement_list   UNTIL boolean_condition END REPEAT [label_name];
block_statement_list:   { statement | break_statement_with_label }[, ...]  loop_statement_list:   { statement | break_continue_statement_with_label }[, ...]  break_statement_with_label:   { BREAK | LEAVE } label_name;  break_continue_statement_with_label:   { BREAK | LEAVE | CONTINUE | ITERATE } label_name;


A BREAK or CONTINUE statement with a label provides an unconditional jump to the end of the block or loop associated with that label. To use a label with a block or loop, the label must appear at the beginning of the block or loop, and optionally at the end.

  • A label name may consist of any GoogleSQL identifier, including the use of backticks to include reserved characters or keywords.
  • Multipart path names can be used, but only as quoted identifiers.

    ``: BEGIN ... END -- Works BEGIN ... END -- Doesn't work 
  • Label names are case-insensitive.

  • Each stored procedure has an independent store of label names. For example, a procedure may redefine a label already used in a calling procedure.

  • A loop or block may not repeat a label name used in an enclosing loop or block.

  • Repeated label names are allowed in non-overlapping parts in procedural statements.

  • A label and variable with the same name is allowed.

  • When the BREAK, LEAVE, CONTINUE, or ITERATE statement specifies a label, it exits or continues the loop matching the label name, rather than always picking the innermost loop.


You can only reference a block or loop while inside of it.

label_1: BEGIN   SELECT 1;   BREAK label_1;   SELECT 2; -- Unreached END;
label_1: LOOP   BREAK label_1; END LOOP label_1;  WHILE x < 1 DO   CONTINUE label_1; -- Error END WHILE;

Repeated label names are allowed in non-overlapping parts of the multi-statement query. This works:

label_1: BEGIN   BREAK label_1; END;  label_2: BEGIN   BREAK label_2; END;  label_1: BEGIN   BREAK label_1; END;

A loop or block may not repeat a label name used in an enclosing loop or block. This throws an error:

label_1: BEGIN    label_1: BEGIN -- Error      BREAK label_1;    END; END;

A label and variable can have same name. This works:

label_1: BEGIN    DECLARE label_1 INT64;    BREAK label_1; END;

The END keyword terminating a block or loop may specify a label name, but this is optional. These both work:

label_1: BEGIN   BREAK label_1; END label_1;
label_1: BEGIN   BREAK label_1; END;

You can't have a label at the end of a block or loop if there isn't a label at the beginning of the block or loop. This throws an error:

BEGIN   BREAK label_1; END label_1;

In this example, the BREAK and CONTINUE statements target the outer label_1: LOOP, rather than the inner WHILE x < 1 DO loop:

label_1: LOOP   WHILE x < 1 DO     IF y < 1 THEN       CONTINUE label_1;     ELSE       BREAK label_1;   END WHILE; END LOOP label_1

A BREAK, LEAVE, or CONTINUE, or ITERATE statement that specifies a label that doesn't exist throws an error:

WHILE x < 1 DO   BREAK label_1; -- Error END WHILE;

Exiting a block from within the exception handler section is allowed:

label_1: BEGIN   SELECT 1;   EXCEPTION WHEN ERROR THEN     BREAK label_1;     SELECT 2; -- Unreached END;

CONTINUE can't be used with a block label. This throws an error:

label_1: BEGIN   SELECT 1;   CONTINUE label_1; -- Error   SELECT 2; END;




LOOP   sql_statement_list END LOOP;


Executes sql_statement_list until a BREAK or LEAVE statement exits the loop. sql_statement_list is a list of zero or more SQL statements ending with semicolons.

LOOP is restricted from being executed dynamically as a nested element. This means LOOP can't be nested in an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.

You can use a label with this statement. To learn more, see Labels.


The following example declares a variable x with the default value 0; then, it uses the LOOP statement to create a loop that executes until the variable x is greater than or equal to 10; after the loop exits, the example outputs the value of x.

DECLARE x INT64 DEFAULT 0; LOOP   SET x = x + 1;   IF x >= 10 THEN     LEAVE;   END IF; END LOOP; SELECT x;

This example outputs the following:

/*----*  | x  |  +----+  | 10 |  *----*/ 



REPEAT   sql_statement_list   UNTIL boolean_condition END REPEAT;


Repeatedly executes a list of zero or more SQL statements until the boolean condition at the end of the list is TRUE. The boolean condition must be an expression. You can exit this loop early with the BREAK or LEAVE statement.

REPEAT is restricted from being executed dynamically as a nested element. This means REPEAT can't be nested in an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.

You can use a label with this statement. To learn more, see Labels.


The following example declares a variable x with the default value 0; then, it uses the REPEAT statement to create a loop that executes until the variable x is greater than or equal to 3.


This example outputs the following:

/*---*  | x |  +---+  | 1 |  *---*/  /*---*  | x |  +---+  | 2 |  *---*/  /*---*  | x |  +---+  | 3 |  *---*/ 



WHILE boolean_expression DO   sql_statement_list END WHILE;

There is a maximum nesting level of 50 for blocks and conditional statements such as BEGIN/END, IF/ELSE/END IF, and WHILE/END WHILE.


While boolean_expression is true, executes sql_statement_list. boolean_expression is evaluated for each iteration of the loop.

WHILE is restricted from being executed dynamically as a nested element. This means WHILE can't be nested in an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.

You can use a label with this statement. To learn more, see Labels.





Exit the current loop.

It's an error to use BREAK outside of a loop.

You can use a label with this statement. To learn more, see Labels.


The following example declares two variables, heads and heads_count; next, it initiates a loop, which assigns a random boolean value to heads, then checks to see whether heads is true; if so, it outputs "Heads!" and increments heads_count; if not, it outputs "Tails!" and exits the loop; finally, it outputs a string stating how many times the "coin flip" resulted in "heads."

DECLARE heads BOOL; DECLARE heads_count INT64 DEFAULT 0; LOOP   SET heads = RAND() < 0.5;   IF heads THEN     SELECT 'Heads!';     SET heads_count = heads_count + 1;   ELSE     SELECT 'Tails!';     BREAK;   END IF; END LOOP; SELECT CONCAT(CAST(heads_count AS STRING), ' heads in a row');


Synonym for BREAK.





Skip any following statements in the current loop and return to the start of the loop.

It's an error to use CONTINUE outside of a loop.

You can use a label with this statement. To learn more, see Labels.


The following example declares two variables, heads and heads_count; next, it initiates a loop, which assigns a random boolean value to heads, then checks to see whether heads is true; if so, it outputs "Heads!", increments heads_count, and restarts the loop, skipping any remaining statements; if not, it outputs "Tails!" and exits the loop; finally, it outputs a string stating how many times the "coin flip" resulted in "heads."

DECLARE heads BOOL; DECLARE heads_count INT64 DEFAULT 0; LOOP   SET heads = RAND() < 0.5;   IF heads THEN     SELECT 'Heads!';     SET heads_count = heads_count + 1;     CONTINUE;   END IF;   SELECT 'Tails!';   BREAK; END LOOP; SELECT CONCAT(CAST(heads_count AS STRING), ' heads in a row');


Synonym for CONTINUE.



FOR loop_variable_name IN (table_expression) DO   sql_expression_list END FOR;


Loops over every row in table_expression and assigns the row to loop_variable_name. Inside each loop, the SQL statements in sql_expression_list are executed using the current value of loop_variable_name.

The value of table_expression is evaluated once at the start of the loop. On each iteration, the value of loop_variable_name is a STRUCT that contains the top-level columns of the table expression as fields. The order in which values are assigned to loop_variable_name isn't defined, unless the table expression has a top-level ORDER BY clause or UNNEST array operator.

The scope of loop_variable_name is the body of the loop. The name of loop_variable_name can't conflict with other variables within the same scope.

You can use a label with this statement. To learn more, see Labels.


FOR record IN   (SELECT word, word_count    FROM bigquery-public-data.samples.shakespeare    LIMIT 5) DO   SELECT record.word, record.word_count; END FOR;






Begins a transaction.

The transaction ends when a COMMIT TRANSACTION or ROLLBACK TRANSACTION statement is reached. If execution ends before reaching either of these statements, an automatic rollback occurs.

For more information about transactions in BigQuery, see Multi-statement transactions.


The following example performs a transaction that selects rows from an existing table into a temporary table, deletes those rows from the original table, and merges the temporary table into another table.

BEGIN TRANSACTION;  -- Create a temporary table of new arrivals from warehouse #1 CREATE TEMP TABLE tmp AS SELECT * FROM myschema.NewArrivals WHERE warehouse = 'warehouse #1';  -- Delete the matching records from the original table. DELETE myschema.NewArrivals WHERE warehouse = 'warehouse #1';  -- Merge the matching records into the Inventory table. MERGE myschema.Inventory AS I USING tmp AS T ON I.product = T.product WHEN NOT MATCHED THEN  INSERT(product, quantity, supply_constrained)  VALUES(product, quantity, false) WHEN MATCHED THEN  UPDATE SET quantity = I.quantity + T.quantity;  DROP TABLE tmp;  COMMIT TRANSACTION;





Commits an open transaction. If no open transaction is in progress, then the statement fails.

For more information about transactions in BigQuery, see Multi-statement transactions.


BEGIN TRANSACTION;  -- SQL statements for the transaction go here.  COMMIT TRANSACTION;





Rolls back an open transaction. If there is no open transaction in progress, then the statement fails.

For more information about transactions in BigQuery, see Multi-statement transactions.


The following example rolls back a transaction if an error occurs during the transaction. To illustrate the logic, the example triggers a divide-by-zero error after inserting a row into a table. After these statements run, the table is unaffected.

BEGIN    BEGIN TRANSACTION;   INSERT INTO myschema.NewArrivals     VALUES ('top load washer', 100, 'warehouse #1');   -- Trigger an error.   SELECT 1/0;   COMMIT TRANSACTION;  EXCEPTION WHEN ERROR THEN   -- Roll back the transaction inside the exception handler.   SELECT @@error.message;   ROLLBACK TRANSACTION; END;





Raises an error, optionally using the specified error message when USING MESSAGE = message is supplied.

When USING MESSAGE isn't supplied

The RAISE statement must only be used within an EXCEPTION clause. The RAISE statement will re-raise the exception that was caught, and preserve the original stack trace.

When USING MESSAGE is supplied

If the RAISE statement is contained within the BEGIN section of a BEGIN...EXCEPTION block:

  • The handler will be invoked.
  • The value of @@error.message will exactly match the message string supplied (which may be NULL if message is NULL).

  • The stack trace will be set to the RAISE statement.

If the RAISE statement isn't contained within the BEGIN section of a BEGIN...EXCEPTION block, the RAISE statement stops execution of the multi-statement query with the error message supplied.


RETURN stops execution of the multi-statements query.



CALL procedure_name (procedure_argument[, ])


Calls a procedure with an argument list. procedure_argument may be a variable or an expression.

For OUT or INOUT arguments, a variable passed as an argument must have the proper GoogleSQL type. The same variable may not appear multiple times as an OUT or INOUT argument in the procedure's argument list.

The maximum depth of procedure calls is 50 frames.

CALL is restricted from being executed dynamically as a nested element. This means CALL can't be nested in an EXECUTE IMMEDIATE statement.


The following example declares a variable retCode. Then, it calls the procedure updateSomeTables in the schema mySchema, passing the arguments 'someAccountId' and retCode. Finally, it returns the value of retCode.

DECLARE retCode INT64; -- Procedure signature: (IN account_id STRING, OUT retCode INT64) CALL mySchema.UpdateSomeTables('someAccountId', retCode); SELECT retCode;