About Tofus
(中文在下面 Mandarin below)
Hi, I’m Tofus, previously a designer and a curious soul who thrives on reimagining how things work. Born and raised in Taiwan, I found my passion for civic technology and open-source communities at 17, where I learned that design is more than aesthetics—it’s about solving problems and telling stories.
My journey started in g0v, a decentralized, open-source civic tech community, where I realized the power of collaboration and how small tools can make big differences. This ethos of creating lightweight, focused solutions became my guiding principle. Whether it’s designing for local universities like NTU Taiwan or experimenting with gadgets made by generative tools based on large language models, I believe that even the smallest ideas have the potential to spark joy and meaning.
From 2024-2025, I took a gap year to explore my identity beyond being "just a designer." It was a time of reflection, experimentation, and growth. I embraced mistakes, celebrated the mundane, and learned the value of creating for myself—not always for others. My journey reinforced one belief: technology isn’t just about innovation but about connecting people and solving real, everyday problems.
Welcome to my little corner of the internet—where ideas grow, stories unfold, and simple tools create ripples of impact.
Have questions, ideas, or just want to connect? I’d love to hear from you! Here’s how you can reach me:
📧 Email: [email protected]
📸 Instagram: 0xtofus
🐦 X (formerly Twitter): @tofuswang
💼 LinkedIn: Terry Wang
🛠 g0v Slack: @tofus (Join the g0v Slack community at join.g0v.tw)
Looking forward to hearing from you!
關於 Tofus
嗨,我是 Tofus(王豆腐),之前是一名 UX 設計師,也是一個熱愛重新定義事物的人。出生在台灣,17 歲時接觸了公民科技和開源社群,這段經歷讓我發現設計不只是美學,它更是一種解決問題、講述故事的方式。
我的旅程從 g0v 開始,一個去中心化的開源公民科技社群。在這裡,我體會到協作的力量,以及小工具如何帶來巨大的改變。這種打造輕量且專注解決方案的精神成為了我的設計信念。無論是在台灣本地的大學(例如臺大)做設計,還是用 AI 工具解決生活中的問題,我始終相信,即使是最小的點子也能帶來快樂與意義。
2024-2025 年,我選擇休學,探索「設計師」身份之外的自己。這是一段反思、實驗與成長的旅程。在休學的過程中,我學會擁抱錯誤,慶祝無趣,並珍視為自己創造的價值,而不總是為他人而創。這段旅程更加堅定了我的信念:科技的價值不在於「創新」,而在於聯結人與解決真實的日常問題。
📧 Email:[email protected]
📸 Instagram:0xtofus
🐦 X(原 Twitter):@tofuswang
💼 LinkedIn:Terry Wang
🛠 g0v Slack:@tofus(加入 g0v Slack 社群:join.g0v.tw)